The wording of the drop-down menu changes, depending on the task you are performing.)

(Note: This is the same button that you used to center text horizontally. The other options are Top and Bottom which obviously align your text to the top or bottom of the text box. Under the Shape Format tab, click the Align Text button. To do that, place your cursor inside the text box. You can also center your stacked text vertically, with equal spacing at the top and bottom. Either method accomplishes the same thing.

You can also select the text and use the Center button under the Home tab. With the text selected, use Control + E (Windows) or Command + E (Mac) to center the text horizontally, one letter centered under another. You can also just click your mouse inside the box and use Control + A (Windows) or Command + A (Mac) to select the text. To correct that, use your mouse or trackpad to select all the letters. It is likely that they may not be perfectly centered with each other, though. You should see your words spelled out with the first letter on top of the second, and so on. If your text contains two or more words, treat the space between the words as a character to put the space on a line by itself. Place your cursor after the second letter and repeat the process until you see each letter on a line by itself.Hold the Shift key while you hit the Return or Enter key. Place your cursor after the first letter.Click inside the text box that you drew and type out the word or words that you want to be read vertically.It can be read from top to bottom or from bottom to top. In Microsoft Word, vertical text refers to text that displays on its side relative to the page. And, they allow you to write not just horizontally, but vertically. You can drag them around the body of the document wherever you want them. But I will tell you that text boxes are versatile. This is not an exhaustive tutorial on the use of text boxes. You can type practically anything in them.

There is another way to put words on the page in MS Word. It’s simple, intuitive, and familiar to us. We do most of our writing in Word horizontally simply by typing wherever our cursor is.

Using Enter vs Shift + Enter to create stacked text.Use a text box to write vertically in MS Word.