This study cost 6 percent of the cost of micro-motion Study.This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. To a cine-film-camera-a timing device is connected which at 60 frames per minute only. The operation is filmed at 960 to 1000 frames/minute and the film is analysed for frame for the purpose of method improvement. Micro-motion study is carried out for very short cycle, highly repetitive operations. Micro-motion Study and Memo-motion Study: 18.3 shows a simple flow diagram in which raw material from the store moves to work station P where an operation is performed the semi-finished product moves to work place Q where another operation is carried out hence it moves to work place R for inspection and is further sent to location S where it waits for a short period and ultimately goes out of the unit. a lot of saving both in cost as well as efforts required to perform a job Fig. The number of movements if minimized result viz. Such pictorial layout is valuable in incorporating improvements in the method. It indicates the activities of man throughout the process.Ī flow diagram is a pictorial layout of buildings and floors on which locations of all the activities as given on the flow lines representing the movement of men and materials are shown. The man type flow process chart shows the process from the point of view of man/operator. The operation times and distances moved are also recorded along the symbols side. This chart is similar to operation process chart with the difference that it utilizes symbols of operation, transportation, inspection, delay and permanent storage.

(iv) To introduce the new technical personal with the manufacturing system.Ī flow process chart is a chart showing the sequence of the flow of a product by way of recording all activities/events under review with appropriate symbols. (iii) Helps in determining sequence of assembly and the scheduling activities regarding dates of purchased material and completion dates for fabricated parts. (ii) Helps in specifying the basic manufacturing system.